So continuing on with my desire to document what God is doing in my life via this blog and particularly in relation to the ministry project, Ekklesia, I wanted to pick up where I left off with the Wanderings in the Wilderness post.
In that post, I mentioned that things are starting to move again in ministry, and we have made some exciting developments as far as format and direction, but I also think there is still some forging that is taking place.
Boreal and temporal trees grow according to seasons. They grow during warmer climates and slow or stop growing during colder ones. Those harsh winters serve to harden and strengthen the tree after it underwent a huge growth spurt the previous summer. I have often thought about this in my own life. This as well as the illustration I frequently recall made to me by my pastor from our previous church, LifeQuest, and friend, Scott Morgan. He always says that with God “the way between two points is not a straight line, but a zigzag.”
Right now, it seems that God is hardening me after some interesting life-lessons learned. And though I would like to be heading in a straight line to the goal and plans I have, God has me on yet another zig- or maybe it’s a zag.
I am under the Biblical philosophy that my relationship with God comes first, my wife comes next as my first and most important earthly relationship and ministry, followed only then by my kids. From there all other relationships, responsibilities, and ministries come next. Though I believe this whole-heartedly, I sometimes lose sight. I have the tendency to look so far ahead, I neglect my present situation. I strain so hard at times to view what’s ahead through the forest that I forget about the trees right in front of me.
While, my marriage is in a good place (though I don’t make the mistake of letting my guard down and thinking it’s perfect lest I allow the enemy a foothold- there’s always room to grow, particularly within my own role as husband), and as a family I believe we are heading in the right direction, I am realizing the need of those around me.
There is a lot going on within my wife’s and my families: some are going through transitional times, some are going through difficult and trying, sometimes dry times. It seems to me that we need to be focusing more of our attention, time, and energy on those friends and family who need some additional love and grace extended. We try to remember to pray for all those we know, but some just need some extra encouragement and genuine fellowship.
So, during this time of hardening the growth God has been bringing me through, I am trying to be more conscious of the needs of those around me as my ministry. If I can do anything (without sacrificing my first ministry to my wife and daughter), I need to be diligent in giving of myself to be there for them, however possible.
Ekklesia is not stopping, the road to this ministry has not changed, I just didn’t see this particular zigzag coming up and now, I pray that God would use us as a source of encouragement, hope, strength, and love for those around us; those trees that are in my immediate path.
Having balanced my priorities, I know God will honor our desire for Ekklesia and the ministry He wants us to do in His own time, in His own way.
It's great that you are being positive. That helps you achieve goals.
It's so cool that your using a blog to share with others what God is doing in your life! That really an encouragement to other Christians.
In Christ,
I cannot help but commend the Lord for what he is doing in your life. theres a long road ahead specially in
the ministry life. But most importantly our reason or the source of our ministry, its all becouse of God. Were we drown our strength. without it our ministry will be over..Gob Bless
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